Wednesday, January 31, 2007

On The Road Again!

We are anchored on the south side of Tampa bay, at the mouth of the ICW . Anna Marie Island is off to starboard. Tomorrow we head down to Ft. Myers. It’s about 90 miles. If we don't make it all the way we'll be close.

We attracted a crowd at the marina today. Some folks from the other dock came over to ask us what movie this boat was in. And of course everyone wanted to get a picture of her. I started the engines and came out on deck and I thought there was a convention going on. The dock was loaded with people. We assembled the crew on the side deck for a group photo, then backed her out, tooted the horn a few times and slowly motored away.

It was a beautiful day and we all stayed on deck. We even had to open the windows in the wheel house for awhile to cool it down. But that didn't last long. Once we turned south the sun disappeared, the cloud cover increased and the windows went back up. We can tell we are getting more south though. The weather is definitely getting warmer.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

Hey Capt. Bob...
Sorry your trip is almost over. Marie and i will miss reading of your adventures. Hope to to get to see the boat in person this summer.God's speed...
Ken and Marie

Anonymous said...

Hey Achievement - I am soooo glad yous guys left when you did. Today the sun came out for just a bit this morning and then the winds picked up. Most of the morning it's been steady at least 20-30 knots and this afternoon - heavy cloud cover, bit of rain but the wind - it's been like a few tropical storms I've weathered in this little house. If you take a gander on the weather channel web site - you'll see what's moving down into the Gulf. Which brings up the question??? What does a steel hulled boat do in a lightning storm - actually what do you all do? I remember Capt. Bob telling us to stay away from the steel mast on the Teal. If you can let me know - may be a question other folks have too. Love to yous. And wear your rubber shoes. d

Anonymous said...

you've got a pretty big crew...can't one of you put some white paint one of the rails for pictures...the paint is chipping...

wiseguy Andy