Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Good Morning Cincinnati, Are you awake???

Mair got on the internet first thing this morning and rousted out the Mayor and a few other city officials and wanted to know why there city was so asleep. Well they apologized and offered us the municipal docks to tie up to (they were under water at the time) if we wanted. With no other options we pulled the hook and started back upriver when the radio called out “Achievement do you copy?"

Well to our amazement it was a small marine on the Ohio side. They had seen us anchor last night and had commented amongst themselves about her make and age. We chatted a bit and when he learned we needed to tie up for supplies he offered us the end of the dock behind his boat (a Destiny- A 110' party boat). He could offer us dock, water and fuel if needed. We swung this puppy around and made a 3 point landing on his dock with about 30' of stern hanging out. But we were tied up!

Our river angel this time turned out to be Shawn. He owned the marine as well as the party boat with a partner. He came aboard and took the tour and of course fell in love with her. He gave us a car to go shopping with, drew maps so the boys wouldn't get lost, and ran the hose so we could tank up.

They are taking a party out tonight and told us not to eat a large dinner because when they get back we were invited aboard for cocktails and snacks. (they always have food left over). Today is a beautiful day, sun is shining. It's in the 50s. Life is good again.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

Its a good thing its a big boat with appeal or you guys would be stranded. Its a welcoming community on the water and great to hear about. One good day out of ten is a pretty good average.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful -it's not just the boat, you're a likable crew as well. People see you have your hearts into it. So happy you had a great day for a change - may they all be as easy from here on out. D