Thursday, January 18, 2007

Goodbye Mississippi – Hello Alabama!

January 16th and 17th. Tuesday and Wednesday

Oh, Yes! Everyday is an adventure. After our anchoring for the night adventure (Bob makes it all sound so easy – we did run aground three times – the anchor was down and up again – pitch black – do we know where we are? Nah! – but we are close! Sure gets my heart a pumpin’.) The Capt. and the crew (guys) just sort of take it all in stride. I’m thinking it’s a male thing! However must admit they are right. The hook was dropped – we stopped and slept without incident until early AM when Mercedes quit. I know she has worked her heart and soul out – but the Captain did call her a “Temperamental Bitch” and I think her feelings were hurt. As the Capt. said, we did get an early start.

While he and Lionel were making her (Mercedes) feel better, I saw the lights from a Tug out my window and knew he was headed right for us. I ran to the engine room – asked if we had anchor lights on; the Capt. confirmed we did, I proceeded to run to the cabin door just in case I had to jump overboard when the tug hit. Afterwards I heard complaints that “Sure, you were just going to leave us down (in the engine room) there”. Hey! What’s a girl to do? I did say a tug looked like it was headed for us and then asked if the lights were on. No excitement on their part – only mine. As usual, I over reacted. Will I again? You’re damn right!

Of course more excitement was in store – after our (in my mind) near being crashed into miss-Two Ton Annie decided the boulders, clay and trees were not enough – she now had to keep company with a huge, long cable. Golly, it is amazing how Bob, Lionel, Pat and Victor just keep on truckin. What ever is thrown their way – they deal with it and move on. Sort of like life - lessons to be learned here! We did pass over the State Line to Alabama. The way the line runs, at one time Achievement was in both states at one time.

Our anchorage last night was well before sunset – in the “Old” Tombigee River. Nice, safe and quiet place. We had an early dinner of ribs and by 6:30PM, everyone was ready for bed – by 9:00 everyone was sound asleep.

Today on the water was sort of ordinary; although it may have been the mind set. It was cold and no matter how many times I tried to get my butt outside for the view – Brrr! Just couldn’t do it. Back inside – so other than looking out on occasion from the space-heated warmth of the “sun room” the day was spent indoors.

We got to Demopolis, AL about 1:00PM today – much quicker than I anticipated. Currently we are tied up to a dock at Demopolis Marina. I got to see TV today for the first time since Dec. 23rd in the boaters lounge. My choices were; first weather, second Dr. Phil - guess what? I really don’t miss it.

Achievement, as usual, commands a lot of attention. On our way here the last lock tender expressed big interest as well as a couple from Coco Beach that are here, at the marina. on their trawler. They came over to the boat for a tour. Most question, “What kind is it?” then are intrigued with her history. We have all become very smitten with her and jump at the chance to explain her enchanting past.

Bob, Lionel and I had dinner at the marina restaurant. Pat and Victor decided to stay on board and keep an eye on things. (I’m sure the warmth of the boat and having some quiet time were big deciding factors) Tomorrow we are off to town for groceries and supplies so we will be ready to leave early Friday AM. We have conquered the Tenn-Tom Waterway and Friday will be on the Tombigee River to Mobile. The next 200+ miles are pretty desolate. Not sure if we will have phone or internet signal.

Next marina stop – Mobile, Alabama. We are guessing by Monday (I’m thinking Tuesday). The saga continues….

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