Sunday, January 7, 2007

Playing catch-up.

We left Heathers about 11AM. Don’t think it was fog as much as getting us ready to leave. The past couple days have been (almost) uneventful. Though it has been cloudy with some sprinkles, the river has been great to travel.

We went thru Louisville early afternoon on the 5th. Wow! What a city. The lock is just about downtown and while waiting to go in the lock (we had to wait for a tug that was locking through with us) a train came by just at the rise of the hill next to us. He tooted his horn; I was hoping we could toot back so he could hear what a real train horn sounds like, but being so close to the lock, it might have caused some confusion.

After stopping for the night (a tug captain suggested where – he told us our first choice was not a good one – the barges used that coastline to get to one of the plants) we started out at the crack of 9:30 – 10 AM. Passed some interesting sights and towns. Troy, Tell City (yes – named after Wilhelm Tell), and Cannelton; all in Indiana. Dropped the hook for the second time (this time planned) on the Indiana Side of the river just before Rockport. Yep! The Captain made a faux pas! At dinner, we asked the Captain if we would see it in his log – I told the crew not to worry – if it wasn’t in his, it would definitely be in mine!

Here is my version – We are cruising along, doing fantastic. All systems are running; Rita, Louise and Mercedes are behaving. Achievement was very content, the crew was involved in various activities – reading, sightseeing, cooking and etc. when we hear a clatter of chain, (and believe me when her chain hits the steel hull – it is LOUD) Rita and Louise get real quiet and Achievement’s alarms are going off like crazy. It got everyone’s attention. We all run topside to see what is up – thinking do we need a life vest? Did we crash into a tug? As we get to the bow, there is Lionel in the wheelhouse frantically trying to start the engines again and Bob on the foredeck looking at two ton Annie’s chain leading down to the water muttering, “I made a mistake”. After the crew finally stopped laughing hysterically, Bob took the controls, getting Achievement backed up enough to get Annie out from under her so the guys could put her back where she belonged. Needless to say – he is not permitted on the foredeck again.

Lionel said later “Here I was thinking he just needed to stretch his legs, when I saw him starting to futch with the anchor, I was jumping up and down in the wheel house hollering don’t do that!” (You cannot hear from the wheelhouse to the foredeck.) Anyway, Bob “did that” and “kerpunk” she went. Lionel quickly pulled the throttle back and Rita and Louise stalled. These damn boats have no brakes. No harm done, except to the Captain’s pride. I sure wish I could have seen the action as it was happening!

To be fair we have all had our Faux pas. While filling the tanks with water at Cincinnati, Lionel was charged with making sure they did not overflow. It’s strange how the tanks are below deck, yet it floods from above deck. Well guess what? Yep! You guessed it! Water, Water everywhere. It was raining in the Captains cabin but mostly in Patrick and Victor’s cabin. Pat told Lionel not to feel bad, it could happen to anyone, but if it had been him – HE would have been watching.

This AM there was much commotion in the Galley as the guys got up. I woke Lionel at 7AM as directed last evening. He started the engines to warm them up, which of course got everyone up. Early start today! I heard all this muttering about how early it was – I had made a mistake, it seems sometime yesterday we passed into Central Time – so it was really 6AM. Lionel made us buckwheat pancakes at Patrick’s request (after all, it is Sunday – and Sunday is Pancake Day) so all’s well that ends well.

We are now on our way, just passed Rockport, IN and Owensboro, KY. Must say it is the first time we were off and running this early! Some faux pas are okay (especially when they are mine). The terrific thing about this crew is everyone has wonderful sense of humor, are sarcastically funny and can take it as well as dish it out. Makes for a pleasant and fun journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I almost peed in my pants I laughed so hard. Never a dull moment.