Thursday, January 4, 2007

Goodbye Ohio – Hello Indiana! Passed the state line early today. We are now anchored on the Kentucky side of the river. What gorgeous country. (Have I mentioned that before? Nah!) We had sunshine all day today. When we cast off and bid farewell to Shawn this AM (at the crack of 9:30AM) there was snow on the railings. (Actually as Victor told me, it was frost) I made a tiny snowball to throw at Lionel. He ducked, but I still got him!

It was an uneventful, pleasant day on the water. Just as cruising is meant to be. Rita, Louise and Mercedes served us very well. I even got to take a nap today, though I hate to miss anything. The Capt. dropped the hook a little early, so we got to watch the sun set behind the mountain in Indiana


Someone had asked why boat parts are female names. I’ve given it some thought and I think it’s because men like and respect women so much; they like their boats – sometimes almost as much (surely not more) that they name the parts female names and refer to her as she. What do you think?

At dinner, we discussed when we would be home. Either Pat or Vic suggested a pool to see who would guess the closest. Bob reminded us that could be manipulated – knowing the Capt. would ultimately - win the suggestion was dropped. Best guess is (per Capt. Bob) third or fourth week of this month. Victor and I are thinking more like mid-February.

Last night was so pretty. Very cool, but the water was calm and a full moon reflected and bounced of the ripples. It is a little too cool to stay out for a long period, but we expect to be in Louisville, KY today to take on fuel. The weather on my computer tells me that the temperature will be about 10 degrees warmer than Cincinnati. The cold has been a real change for us – I think we are all anxious for some warmer weather.

It is now about 7:20AM – the sky is just beginning to lighten. Crew still snoring. I am going to go out to see how the sunrise will be today. Sure we will be on our way by the crack of 9:30 or 10 today, especially having to pull up “two ton Annie” the anchor!


Anonymous said...

Hey I think the name of that lock has a very nice ring to it!!

Hope everything keeps running.


Anonymous said...

Just cant miss a day with u guys I thought early at work havent chd on Acheievement,so logged on when I got home.Guess one could say "What goes around comes around" when it comes to friendliness.Amazing how you find such great people think it might be your Destiny...Love frm S.Fla

Anonymous said...

Don't know for sure about the female names, but rest assured that if Rita, Louise, Mercedes, or any other part of Achievement hears the guys ...they're still wrong!

Anonymous said...


glad to know that there are still people in this world that care... and you have had them along the way to help you out! I agree with what Buzz had to say!! you all are awesome! just reading about your adventures make me want to run out and buy a boat.....well, maybe I should think this through first...
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hey Old Man,

Glad to hear all is going better this portion of the trip. Seems you meet the people you need or God puts them in your way.The pictures are amazing, the wethaer at least is staying calm for now the further south you get the better it will feel.

High tides and good sailing


Anonymous said...

Well written article.