Sunday, January 21, 2007

January 20 – Saturday

Bashi Creek was our anchorage for last night. It is a very deep, but narrow creek sporting a boat ramp. A really nice couple we met at Demopolis Marina, Homer and Goldie, on board their 33-foot Morgan Out Island sailboat, are headed for Port St. Joe in the panhandle, and have made this leg of the trip before. They were kind enough to suggest the creek, in fact followed us in and tied up for the night. We visited over a cocktail and I gave them the tour. My first – usually one of the guys get to do the bragging and showing off. I enjoyed the opportunity. Every time I start to explain to someone about the boat, I get excited all over again. She is just so neat.

It took a little bit of time to get Achievement settled in the creek – the current kept kicking her butt towards the ramp side of the creek. The Capt. decided a stern anchor would solve the problem. The anchor (not sure where it was hiding) was brought into service – tied off with yellow rope (Lionel said he thought Bud was on board and it was ski rope) and deployed overboard. Victor got her secured to the humongous cleat. Sure enough, Achievement settled right down. She rode comfortably all night.

Next morning the crews concern was “How do we hoist this anchor up?” The Captain had a solution for that too. After Locomotive Breath (named after a song) untied and went on her way, the people proceeded to get the anchor up. Every day “Annie” has a different surprise for us – well her friend at the stern was no exception. Seems the anchor was buried in the mud! The line pulled so taught that it snapped. I missed the excitement (darn it) but we bid a farewell to the anchor. Victor had a near miss when the line snapped and the Captain was slapped across the legs – no injury thank goodness!

We conquered our last lock on our journey today at Coffeeville. Today the sun has been in and out and though chilly, it is a nice day. The section is very desolate. The only marina between Demopolis and Mobile Bay is Bobby’s Fish Camp. We passed it a while back. It consists of one dock with a gas pump in the center. The cruising guide said it was rustic – and they weren’t kidding.

We will be in Mobile, AL by tomorrow – earlier that we expected. I understand Cathy has spoken to a TV station in Mobile that wants to cover the story of Achievement’s history and journey. How exciting. After sitting and waiting to be rescued for all these years, she is now going to be a TV star. She deserves it!

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