Thursday, February 1, 2007

Pine Island Sound

The hook is down in Pine Island Sound. We made 82 miles today. Not bad considering we had to buck the tide and a 20-25 knot wind all day as well as put up with some really sorry bridge tenders. I just wish there was a bridge tender school we could send them to when ever we wanted to. If they screw up it's off to remedial school. No questions asked.

We sat below the Tom Adams Bridge for a good twenty minutes calling on the radio, honking our horn (and we have a very loud horn) all to no avail. There was a marina on shore and they answered us and suggested the tender was probably down below changing a light bulb. Then when he finally answered the radio he wanted to know how much clearance we needed. Like we couldn't read the sign board on the side of the bridge. That's it off to remedial school for him!

We are hoping the wind drops off by tomorrow afternoon. We have about 20 or so miles left on the inside then we have to go out. The rest of the way to Key West is in the Gulf. It smells like dinner is almost ready. Mair has the wine open (thanks again Sha for the fine selection) I'm sipping on a Jameson. Life is good.

Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bob - you ever watch the Blue Collar Comedy Tour? The comedian who does the bit "Here's Your Sign" maybe that would work too. Wind is still honkin' here - take care. d