Sunday, February 11, 2007

Aventura Florida

Achievement performed its first salvage job Friday night. After our early appointment with the Channel 10 news crew, and a few meetings at M.I.A. I was dog tired. I left the office early afternoon and went home to bed. About 10 PM I got a call from Taresa, asking for a pump. There was a boat on the dock sinking. I went to Achievement and got a submersible sump pump and lugged it down the dock. Mission accomplished!

I think we are going to have an open house (or should I say open boat) next Sunday 2/18/07 in the afternoon. Give me some feedback as to what to have. I'm not too hip on that stuff. Looking to meet all the people who were following the blog.

See you all Sunday.

Captain Bob


Anonymous said...

You can ask people to bring a snack to share and provide the beer/wine/drinks?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I won't be able to meet you on Sunday but I think I remember you quite clearly. Seriously, sorry to miss the open boat but I'm hoping you will come up the eastern seaboard sometime soon.



Anonymous said...

Hope the party will be a success. Sorry I can't make it, but we will see the Achievement here in Seaford I hope!
There are finger foods you can purchase at Cosco/Sams which you have to heat in the oven. I know if Ilonka and I were there we would fix you up with some great snacks, but alas that is not the case.