Sunday, February 4, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday

We are still tied up in Fort Myers. Our new crew members have arrived and are getting a feel for the boat. It has been none stop tours since we docked Friday. Every where we go we are asked if we are the crew from the big steel boat and could we take a closer look. Lionel has become the official tour guide. He has developed a rhythm that we have grown accustomed to. We can tell by the dialogue exactly where he is on the tour. "We are walking, we are walking…." Does it sound familiar?

The local art show is very nice. I am going to pick up a painting for the sun room. It's been decided that the sun room has to be painted a shade of yellow. We have seen a few accent pieces at the show that would look good in there.

There is still a chance we can get across the lake. Hull #1 of the Blue water 65 series pulled in behind us yesterday. The V.P. was on board; he is taking the boat to the Miami boat show. He came aboard and did the tour. He is going across the lake today and is going to call us with first hand readings of water depth. We have been told that with the wind out of the north, and the current rain that the level should rise. We don’t need much more then we have now, but we do need more.

Well that's about all I have for now. See you all in Miami.

Capt. Bob

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