Tuesday, February 6, 2007

February 4th. – Sunday

Wow! Our time on the boat is just slipping away. We should complete the journey on Thursday the 8th. Not sure when I’ll get to send this – wireless signal is pretty weak. We are now at Ft. Myers City Marina. The welcome here was excellent. The Dock Master was a true professional, knew how to handle the lines and made docking very easy. Now that we are winding down it is a bittersweet time. Bobby, Gerry, Rhonda and Max are joining us for the last few days of the trip. Patrick and Victor graciously gave up their quarters so Gerry could experience part of the journey. Them leaving makes it even more apparent that this wonderful adventure is about to end. Makes me a little sad. (Nah! Very sad) But we still have four or more days to go and the memories for a lifetime!

Our entrance into the marina at Clearwater was nothing less than spectacular. We ran hard aground! Certainly not anything the Captain and crew needed after pulling an overnight passage. However, Bob with is usual expertise got Achievement off and moving so in no time we were snuggled up to the dock. After having met such great people along the way, it was a disappointing welcome at Clearwater Municipal Marina. The reception made one feel as if the dock help were providing a huge favor rather than a service to a customer. Personally, I think they are used to mega yachts and was treating our Achievement as if she were not worthy. You know – some people just do not get it! I am quite sure that will not be one of Achievement’s future stops.

Despite the cool welcome and lack of help at the Marina – our visit was wonderful. Cathy (yes – our very own blog master) came to stay with us. She and George (one of the friendliest dogs and her baby) spent the night. What a great visit! She and I volunteered to hunt down fuel filters for Rita and Louise – and YES! You should send a woman to do a man’s job. The Napa store and its manager were more than helpful. The filters and other parts we needed were not in stock, but he not only found where there was a supply, but also had his drivers pick them up for us. He was another of our Angels. Kinda of cute too! I tried to get Cathy to suggest they go for coffee or something – we gave him the blog address - so if you are reading this give her a call.

Dale joined us for breakfast and brought with her some calorie free pastry (Just what our growing waistlines needed), her sunny personality and excitement over out adventure. Even with the trip winding down the up side has been visiting with wonderful family and friends now that we are closer to home.

The trip between Clearwater and Ft. Myers (where we are currently) was terrific. No mishaps, Rita, Louise and Mercedes all behaved like the wonderful ladies they are. We saw loads of porpoise, white pelicans, osprey nests with little ones and whole families. We even had sunshine and I wore shorts for the first time in over two months. Hooray! But alas! The sun was not to last. It’s been cloudy and cool, we had to change our plans – trekking the outside had to be delayed so Key West is out of the question.

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