Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday, January 10th

Today has been slow day. We are still tied up at the marina. We took the loner van into Paducah KY to do a little shopping. We picked up most of our supplies but not all. We have some things coming in tomorrow. So we will spend tonight here and pull out tomorrow. They say it's supposed to rain the next few days, not what we wanted to hear.

Mercedes started acting up today. We turned her off when we went to town and when we got back she started to spit antifreeze all over the engine room. Lionel and I pulled the cooling tank off and re soldered a hose connection but when we reassembled it, it leaked again. We tore it down one more time and did a real good solder job on her only to find after we put it back together that it was leaking from a different spot. It was late .we came in to have dinner and will tackle it tomorrow. It’s a very small leak but we have to pull the tank off again.

I see all the new pics on the blog. Victor is now the official photographer for the trip.

Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Victor takes terrific pictures, I agree but no one beats Marianne for beauty in the landscape. I would mention Patrick's skills but you guys seem to be picking on him lately so I'll refrain. Leave my baby brudder alone! Love ya!
