Sunday, January 7, 2007

Two new posts!

Hey all, be sure to read both new posts. Aunt Mair sent something Friday, and it didn't want to post. It's up there now. Be sure to read before Dad's. Oh, and there are more pix coming. Fortunately we have some great camera bugs on board. Unfortunately, it's a lot to post. Stay tuned!
- Cathy

1 comment:

Mike D said...

It's been a few days since I logged on but it sounds like you all are havingt he time of your lives. I have to admit I am envious of the good times and not so much of the cold. The pictures are great (add more) Ruthie and I are in Las Vegas and heading home on Tuesday. Our lives seem quite tame campared to your adventure. Love hearing the stories about the river angles. Kind of resrores ones faith in humanity. We're anxious to get down to Fla and see everyone. Have fun, laugh much and be safe. Mike Delaney