Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tampa Bay - Clearwater Stop

Good morning all.

We are tied up at Clearwater city marina. Got in yesterday afternoon. Our run across the Gulf was uneventful. With the river stretches it was 180+ miles. We did it in 4 hour shifts. Once inside the pass we were in the ICW. And, don't you know, right in front of the marina we miss a mark and run aground. We got off all right but I think I damaged the rudders. They seem a little stiff since the grounding.

The blog-master (daughter Cathy) came to the boat and visited all day and spent the night. Miss Dale is coming to breakfast. All the Fidelity boys failed to show. They must be working late.

We are leaving later this mourning instead of staying overnight again . We have reservations in Key West for Saturday night and Sunday. Bobby is joining us in Key West. We will watch the Super Bowl there then head north.

We have an appointment with channel 10 in Miami to do a photo shoot and crew interview. That should be fun.

Yes the end is near. We are stretching the conclusion out as long as we can. No one wants the trip to end. But end it must. It will take us 4 day's to get to Key West and that’s taking our time. Our trip north will be the same. We might even catch a fish.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

We just read the message from Clearwater. Susan's dad has been following your journey with her nightly phone calls and might have driven out to see Achievement. Alas, you're on your way again.
Godspeed and smooth sailing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for a most wonderful breakfast. Victor what you do to those eggs is marvelous. The boat is just amazing. She feels very safe and looks extremely comfortable. It will be interesting to watch the transformation as Capt. Bob does all the work he wishes to do. At least it will keep him off the streets - maybe. Love to each and every one of the crew and Cathy too. I miss you all too much. Hugs, d