Monday, January 29, 2007

Tallahassee Article

Ok folks, Scott and crew was able to get the Tallahassee Democrat (local paper) to come out and do an article.

To download a PDF of the article copied from the website, click here

To visit the story online, click here

Great job Scott. Pictures of the visit are coming, stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys - I know you have weather reports and internet whatnot however, news weather said 20nm off shore 10 - 20' seas - I hope you will have much smoother sailing further in if that's where you're choosing to travel. More later - need to head off this morning - keep a weather eye out as usual. 39' on back porch this morning - Tuesday a.m. even colder they say - may have 6 hours freeze warnings up. You could have left all that in OH. Love to all - d

Anonymous said...

Hey crew - me again. Thought I would take the day off on Wednesday - who needs an excuse and if I do this is a realy big one - right? I'll have the truck handy if you need to tote and fetch supplies for the trip south. Cathy will fill me in on where you are going to moor - are you sure the marina knows you're not a yankee? $3.00 bucks a foot - those are yankee prices! Patrick I have some of those spices - the middle eastern stuff - if you don't have any on board for your next culinary treat - I'll bring you half of one of those jars you gave me in Miami. Look forward to seeing you all. Have a safe trip. d

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful article in the Tallahassee Democrat! The pictures were great.
Bob, most of your sides are your good sides!
Be safe on your run to Tampa.
Godspeed and smooth sailing!

Anonymous said...

Bob & Crew, Welcome to the world of big boats. I haven't found a marina in South Florida less than $2 per foot/ day plus utilities and most are more than that. In the Bahamas there are a few old ones still around but most of those can't give you the right power.
Hope the sea journey is going well. You are braver than I having your first tested venture at sea be at night. It can get crazy enough in the daylight.
Plus, winds have been bad here on SE coast and my friend in Naples says they are real strong there as well. Temp here this morning at 0700hrs was 49. Coldest this year so far.
I printed out the story from Talahasse with all the photos. Hope you put everything down before venturing out. Best of everything. Carroll & Roberta.

Anonymous said...

hello everybody,looks like i'm going to key west this weekend to become the greenhorn crew member on achievement,i fly in late friday and will meet up with the crew by sat.i'll try and bring camera or videocamera we'll see,i would have liked to be aboard for more of the trip,(maybe when the capt.takes her to the chesapeake)but this will do,see ya soon guys

Anonymous said...

We have heard that you made it to Clearwater in fairly calm seas. St. Brendon, patron saint of mariners is certainly watching over you. It's all down hill from there! Be safe. Carroll & Roberta Oates.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dazevedo (Curley guys never used first names)Phillips sent me a copy of your adventure. She knew my dream was to buy a Trawler and do the Great Loop when I retired.
You and Mike Smith should have gotten together, he became a Marine Engineer with Exxon then went into the Survey/consulting business on his own. Big steel shipps...He always wanted to get a steel boat (he could fit with a torch) and take off for parts unknown. Take a little hair off your beard and you would be a ringer.
Love to see your boat when you get to Miami.