Sunday, January 28, 2007

Our Second Photo Shoot

A Photographer from the Democrat, a local newspaper came out to the boat this afternoon to do a photo shoot of the boat and crew. He came out at 2 pm. and was given a tour of the boat, then given free range to shoot whatever he wanted. Victor gave him the tour while the rest of us entertained Mark and his friends who all came out for the tour.

After his initial run around the boat the photographer asked if he could get some shots of me at the wheel. Weeell of course I could see why those shots were necessary. No story would be complete without some working shots of the captain, after all, let’s be serious. To my surprise he took about 25-30 shots. I guess he had a hard time finding my good side. Then I got a call from a reporter who apologized for not being there, but did an interview over the phone. I don't know when the story will run but I'm sure Scott will get us all some copies.

We spent the night at Lionel’s. A very nice place in Crawfordville. It's only about 9 miles from the marina.

Tomorrow we head for Tampa. It’s going to be our first real open water test. We are going to head strait to Tampa from Tallahassee. It's about 170 or so miles and we are going to do it in one run. We will leave after lunch and run all night to arrive during the daytime. We still don't have dockage in the area, but hope that will change tomorrow. I can't believe the one place we contacted wanted $3.00 a foot plus tax plus electric plus water. The dock we are tied up at now charges $.60 a foot no tax, water and electric included. Go figure. All the way home the most we paid was $1.00 a foot, again with everything included.

We are going to Scott’s house for dinner tonight. Then sleeping on the boat for our jump-off tomorrow. See you in Tampa.

Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hey Uncle Bob made the paper. He is above the fold on the front page of the local section. There is also a photo gallery at, click on the photos tab and there will be a link for the Achievement.

Thanks for stopping in Tallahassee. I knew I would like the boat just from seeing pictures and hearing about her. But pictures dont do her justice. She is truly an amazing boat.
