Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Just got back from dinner with Jeanette and her husband Rudy. They took us to a very nice seafood place on the causeway. Every one is stuffed. We had a slow day today. Did a little shopping . Picked up a link for our anchor chain. I'm sure you have already heard about us loosing an anchor in Bashi creek. It was a big sucker too, about 100# or so. The crew grabbed the wrong piece of line to secure it with and when we tried to retrieve it the line snapped. I got a little leg whipping from the recoil but nothing serious.

Our photo shoot is set for tomorrow morning at 10:30. We might all be movie stars by the time we get this boat to Miami. We plan to jump off soon after the interview. It's 300 plus miles to Tallahassee and the St Marks River. It will take us about 4 days weather permitting to get there. Scott, you should look for us around Saturday. We'll call with progress reports.

It looks like every one has retired for the evening. It seems like that’s the only time I get to use the computer, when every one else is asleep. Oh well not much else to report anyway.

Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, now that we've settled on who is going to play Bob Sr. in the movie, I will go ahead and request that I play Aunt Mair's part. Bobby's already checked the website for the clip, guess we'll have to wait until we get home tonight. Take care and smooth sailing!