Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Here's the link to the story

Well, Captain Bob was featured on WPMI-TV, NBC 15 in Mobile Alabama on the "Here's Darwin" series. Reporter Darwin Singleton met with the crew yesterday morning at 10:30 and put together this report. To see the story & watch the video, click on the photo at left.

It's a GREAT story. And you get to see the boat in action!


Anonymous said...

Just saw the video clip ... loved it, loved it, loved it! Brought tears to our eyes. We're sending the link to bunches of people who might be interested. Hope you can get some attention in Tampa.
Godspeed and smooth sailing!

Anonymous said...

saw the video tue.evening and also sent it to a bunch of friends,what a heart felt saga,finally coming true,bibber would have said ,you are all heroic individuals,now the story continues,you guys are great!talk to ya soon.

Anonymous said...

Cool guys are stars!


Anonymous said...

I just watched the clip....WOW...Bob you know how I am, I had to break out the tissue! Everybody looked great, just a little chilly. Ya know that Mr Bibber is so happy watcing his/your adventure unfold, and the interview was the icing on the cake. Kudos the you too Cathy, job well done! Bob that boat looked so huge when it showed you leaving. It will look awesome in the Camden dock!!!!!!!!The girls are going to love you!!!!!!Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

The video was awsome. By the time you get to Miami you will have all your boating friends coming out to welcome you home from this expedition.The ship is impressive, and the dinner selections are gourmet. It's not the destination its the journey and live for all to enjoy. You also have great writers on board for a river travel guide. -Keep well – NAD

Anonymous said...

Oops, I am remiss in giving huge kudos for Cathy in getting all this set up. Great job!!!