Friday, January 5, 2007

Hello World!
It's 1:30 Fri. Morning
This is the first time I have had a chance to sit down at the laptop and say hello. It’s been a busy couple of days. We left our river angels in Cincinnati and ran on down the river. Our first day was beautiful, sunny, warm, a very nice ride. We shut down early found a nice spot to anchor and relaxed.

Well that was too much of a good thing. We no sooner pulled the hook the next morning when we lost a boat pole over the bow while retrieving the anchor. Then jammed the anchor sideways in its hawspipe. Shortly thereafter we lost our hydraulics. No steering. Well if you thought our hook and dance show was good on a good day you should have seen it this time. We had pipes tied to ropes, sledge hammers on the fore deck, a towboat coming up river and us drifting backwards with no anchor. I have to give credit to the deck crew; they hung in there and got the hook down. Then went below and reconfigured the drive system (which I had been advised to do two days before) but what the hey.

Well we made it into Louisville Ky. and called on the recommended spot to refuel and take on supplies. We were greeted with the snotty reply that we only service commercial vessels. Mair did her special thing again and started calling the chamber of commerce and all points in between and before you know it another river Angel calls and guides us to safe haven.

We are directed 6 miles back up river to a place called Heathers. It's a floating restaurant with a fuel dock we could tie up for the night, take on fuel, and go our way in the morning. We swung the boat around and headed back north. When we arrive at the dock we meet two very nice gentlemen. The owner Dennis who hauls the fuel lines out to the boat, and then offers us a car to go shopping with, and when we were all done come on up to the house and have a few drinks. The other gentleman Ray tells Dennis "you go on up to the house and I'll look after these people". Well now you see why I'm writing this at 2am. He took us into town, showed us all the bars, and just when the Capt. runs out of Jameson, he owns a liquor store. Who'd a thunk it? We stocked up for the long run south.

I think it's time to hit the sack.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

We are all loving the stories. I get so wrapped up in editing and correcting spelling (Dad!) that I forget to post my own comments. You guys are doing a fantastic job, not only of piloting this ship on its adventure, but in bringing us all along. I feel, as I've read others do, that I'm right there on the boat with you. So, thanks guys.

We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Only my boss could find a river angel with a liquor store stocking Jamison to boot!!!!!!!Missing you guys lots. But like Cathy says Its like we are there with you, only we dont have to worry about the aching muscles and greasy clothes. I think there might be a book deal in the future. Take care
Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bob and Crew,

Is there a way that we can email these people who have helped you out and kept you safe all these days. We read about your adventures and also appreciate that these people are watching over our friends and keeping them safe.

Better days ahead...thinking positively!

We love you, all!

Anonymous said...

Maybe even a movie deal! Start thinking about who you want to play your characters ...
We look forward to your stories every day. After a day on the farm, they really jazz up the cocktail hour. Keep it up gang!