Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Goodbye Alabama – Hello Florida!

This morning we crossed the state line into Florida and the panhandle. We did question why there was no sun once we crossed the line. After all, as the Captain said, “this is the sunshine state”. It was forecast to rain today – but so far just cloudy and chilly.

We had a great time in Mobile. (Thank you Jeannette and Rudy!) The entrance into Mobile Bay down the Mobile ship channel is fascinating. There were ships of all sizes, colors and configurations lining each side of the channel along with huge dry dock facilities to haul these humongous vessels up and out of the water for repair, paint and etc. We got to see oil rigs, a first for me, man are they impressive! This is a true working port. Much larger than anything we have in S. Florida.

As we made way across Mobile Bay to Dog River Marina, a fog settled in over the water. It was like traveling in a cocoon. Capt. Bob and Lionel did extremely well in finding our way – and the fog parted (sort of like Moses parting the sea) just as we came into the small, narrow channel for the marina. I know Mr. Bibber had a hand in that.

We got Achievement secure she, Rita, Louise, Mercedes – and yes, even “Annie” would get some much-deserved rest for the next couple of days. Jeannette and Rudy came for dinner. Jeannette brought us some Mardi Gras beads and beautiful fresh cut Camellias. I was not aware that Alabama has a Mardi Gras every year. I believe it runs for a month. Jeanette and Rudy have been going to the balls; there are parades and all kinds of festivals. Alabama’s Mardi Gras was an event long before New Orleans’s Mardi Gras.

Monday was our shopping day – the Captain treated us to lunch. Monday evening Jeannette and Rudy picked us up for dinner. The restaurant was on the water and a really cool place. Rudy pointed out some of the sights on our way. Dinner was excellent – but the Company was even better.

Tuesday was the infamous TV interview. Our Captain did an excellent job (he looked cute – didn’t he?) Darwin was very personable, professional, and he, just like all the others before, was quite taken with Achievement.

We left Mobile about 11 or so and anchored in Wolf Bay for the night. Sadly, Spyder could not make the trip, so we had to make the remainder of the dump cake and eat all ourselves. (Spyder, when you get to Miami to visit – the Captain can make one for you. He now – like all of us – knows how)

Cruising along the GIWW (Gulf Intercoastal Waterway) is very different from where we’ve been. We are now (first time for Achievement) in salt water. Yesterday we had porpoise leaping at the bow – I know they were excited and welcoming Achievement home. We are traveling through narrow cuts in between islands that lead to a string of bays. Along the banks is some of the whitest sand you will see. Gorgeous beaches and in some areas only a narrow strip of white sand and sand dunes between the bay and the Gulf. The sand here consists of almost entirely white quartz. Other than it still being pretty cold, the seas (even in some of the larger bays) have been easy to travel. It will be interesting to see how Achievement handles the open Gulf.

There are two sailboats traveling along behind us. Ahhh! It’s good to be home…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The video of the boat was real good. Looks like Capt Bob has purchased a very nice craft. I wish I could be on the trip with you all, it is a trip of a lifetime...Andy S