Sunday, January 21, 2007

My log - Sunday

Good Morning! Today started with my being awakened by lightening (or at least that was my first thought). Yep! It was another tug shining its spotlight on us. This time when I looked out the window all I could see was the shoreline. We were anchored in Three Rivers Lake, off the river – I am guessing they could see our stern from the river and shined a light to check us out. Never saw them, but felt the wake as they went by.

Today being Sunday (Pancake Day), Lionel was rousted out of his bunk by the same light, made us sausage and pancakes for breakfast. We were on our way by 8:00AM. I was below and missed “Annie” being hurled into daylight, but it appears she came up without mishap.

The sun is gone again (darn it!) and we have our usual weather of overcast skies, but o quite as cold. However the sunrise this morning was nice – No – Not Red Skies – Just Pink. I am sure that makes a difference. So no sailor warnings today – maybe just caution?

Today the river has no contrast. It really is starkly beautiful (if that makes sense?). The water is once again that coffee and cream color, the banks pretty much the same color as the water, the trees have no green – just bare limbs that are grey and brown, the sky is grey as well. It is sort of like looking at the world in black and white. Very interesting looking and not at all what we are used to. Occasionally there will be (what appears to be) a fish camp. Most are little more than shacks. Victor said they reminded him of the move “Deliverance”. There are some Sandy (mud-sand?) beaches and areas where there are small hills along the bank, you can see how the river, perhaps during floods have carved away at the sides. Where the banks are level to the water, they slowly incline up and away from the river, the bottoms of the trees, which come right to the water, are dark with watermarks from high water. It looks like the trees in Florida after a brush fire – when the trunks are black and scorched. This is not quite as dark but goes fairly high up the trunks.

I saw an otter yesterday and another bald eagle. We are now about 40 miles from Mobile – still pretty desolate. Just a while ago, we passed where the Alabama River joins the Tombigbee – the two combine and make up the Mobile River. We’ve said farewell to the Tombigbee.

Guess What? We made a dump cake last night. I say we, because it was a collective effort. All five of us had a hand in it. If you have ever made dump cake (Sha – I know you have; and the guys kept referring to how Aunt Anita would do it) you know how easy it is. I didn’t till last night. Anyway we had big discussions about the pan to use, how much mix, how much butter, where to place the butter, how much fruit and how long to bake. With all those important decisions made, we popped it in the oven and had the best chocolate, cherry dump cake ever. Ahh! The simple pleasures of living on board. It was the highlight of our day. Even the oven got in the spirit of things and cooperated fairly well.

I think Spyder – the Captains childhood long time friend - will be joining us in Mobile to either finish the trip with us or at least travel part way. We are saving the rest of our dump cake ingredients for when he comes on board. Oh, Yes! Last night there was even song to the effect of “We knew you were coming –so we baked a cake!” Oh, Spyder you are in for a treat! Ya think we’ve been on this boat for too long?

When we get back and you see the Captain – you must get him to sing his state songs. He (so far) has made up a line or two for every state we’ve gone through – be sure to get him to add his hand action!

Hopefully we will get to see cousin Jeanette while in Mobile. It should be a busy and exciting few days. Then we are off into the Gulf of Mexico and to the Pan Handle of Florida. (Maybe some sun?????


Anonymous said...

Hey!! You guys should write a cookbook of the meals you have made on The Achievement. They sound delicious, although, I have never heard of Dump Cake. I'm looking that up!!! Have a great day!! Judy,Seaford Va.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - I realy wonder if Spyder is going to get any of that cake?? I can see his piece dwindling with every passing crew member. Mair - start puttin' on the make-up - lights, camera, action! Hope the interview goes well - or at least pans out the way it should be for this great adventure. Sun is shining today in Safety Harbor - come on down!Love to everyone - d