Thursday, January 18, 2007

Demopolis Yacht Basin

Not much happened today. Pat and Victor went shopping with Mair. Lionel and I stayed on the boat and were supposed to change the oil in all the engines but got caught up in other things and never got it done. It will have to wait for Mobile.

I met some very nice people in the marina. Gave a few tours of the boat. Chatted with a very nice gentleman named Pete Andrews. He was loaded with local knowledge as well as some neat electronic charts which he was more then happy to let me use.

I wish all who follow this Blog will feel free to post comments – we look forward to hearing from each and every one of you! And suggestions are welcome as well. Anything will do. Even a place to drop the hook, (Lord knows we need those). Tomorrow looks like jump off day. We hear the river from here on down to Mobile is very desolate but also very beautiful. More to follow.

Capt Bob


Anonymous said...

So you guys are lonesome for someone else's company? Need to have a conversation with anyone else? Fear not, my e-mail address is in the possession of Patrick, all bitching will be remain a secret.


Anonymous said...

Hey that is really awesome about the NBC thing! Dont forget your incredible behind the scenes secretary....The correct spelling is Poole!!!! Everybody was amazed when they saw the map highlited on your path across the US...It give you more of a idea of how far you have really traveled. Everybody sends thier love.

Anonymous said...

Hey Capt Bob, You guys are having a once in a lifetime adventure. It's so excitng to read!! Be safe and have a blast!! Bobby, Ilonka and Lia's neighbor, Judy in Seaford VA.

Anonymous said...

We're still here, faithfully following your progress. Ya'll liven up our cocktail hour ... and sometimes make it downright hilarious. All we have to share is farm news. Mair, you are now Susan's new best girlfriend (we tend to reach out from Third World Tennessee). Since we sold our business and the FedEx driver stopped coming, her last best friend was a goose ... until a raccoon ate her. We would love to meet you all some day.
Godspeed and smooth sailing!