Thursday, January 25, 2007

Calling all Hands!

Hello everyone. We are in a nice little oxbow off of Wetappa Creek on the GICW about MM 315. We put the hook down early because there is a 30 mile stretch ahead with no place to anchor. Since we are only about 100 or so miles from Tallahassee and two days to get there we have time.

This creek is not that wide and when we put the hook down the first time the wind blew the stern around onto the mud bank. We were going to leave it till morning but got to thinking if a barge came by in the night and pushed us further up on the mud we might have a tough time in the morning. Well we powered off, turned the boat to face out of the creek which is the way the wind had started to blow us in the first place. We got into deeper water, moved to the center of the creek and put her down again. There is a very slight current running out of this creek into the main channel and it took about a half hour to turn us around again. But we are safe for the night.

If anyone wishes to join the crew when we reach Key West they should post a comment on the blog. There are a few people who have expressed an interest in making the hop from K.W. to Miami. Some of the present crew has stated that they would jump ship in K.W. to make room. They live in the keys. We must know by the time we leave Tampa. Which will be in about a week. So don’t delay.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

hey dad how many days from k.w. to miami,and if it is over part of a week end maybe could fly in and get someone to drive me(or use)to you, would like to do that and i'll call monday 1/29 talk soon

Anonymous said...

Captain & Crew of Achievement - This is Colonel and Crew of Miramare. Following you daily. Happy to hear you have salt water under your keel now. Should start to get warmer although it was 50 degrees here at 0730 this morning (but 73 at 1400hrs). All is well here. Your boats are still floating and everyone here says hello to you all. Hope the sea part of the journey goes well. Carroll & Roberta

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - I'm back on line - a couple of days ago a garbage truck went down the street with forks up and tore down everyone's cable lines - so I have been missing you all and the news. Glad to hear you're closer, although the reality of this trip coming to an end must be a sweet sorrow. Really want to see you all if you stop in Tampa. Cathy will keep me posted too. Keep up the good work. It was 39 on the back porch at 0930 this morning - coldest days so far this year. Gasparilla this weekend - you could have been part of the invasion if just a little closer. AAARRRRGH! Love to all crew. d