Wednesday, January 24, 2007

By perseverance the snail reached the ark...

I don't believe it. I got to the computer before everyone else. We are motoring east on the ICW just below Pensacola on our way to Tallahassee. We had to make a short stop to change the air filters on both engines. We were starting to blow black smoke from Rita and got an indicator light for a clogged filter so we decided to change them both. We will probably anchor early today.

At the end of this bay we start into a 20 mile canal and we don't think we can make it to the other end by dark. We need a little maintenance down below anyway.

When we started this trip everyone looked at the map and commented on how far we had to go. It was a daunting prospect. I said then that there would come a time when we would be saying "oh my we only have this much time left to enjoy this trip." Well that time has come. We are looking at the dwindling miles ahead with sinking hearts. We are glad to be getting home but sad that the adventure is coming to a close. But there will be more adventures ahead for this boat and I'm sure for this crew. They have been great, and I'd sail with them anywhere in the world.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

hello achievement,yes the adventure is coming to its end ,and looking back doesn't seem possible that only a short time ago you were checking out your first lock in pittsburg,but as the capt. says there will be more adventures in store for ship and crew,and i hope as well one day to be privileged enough to crew along with capt.bob (as well as any other members of the crew),achievement is a one of a kind and any one who sees her knows it right away,you all have done a great job on getting the old girl home,good luck and smooth sailing

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too was surprised when you crossed over the Florida line. When Bobby first showed me the route on google earth, I thought wow, this is going to take forever! Can't wait to see you all in March and see the Achievement once more.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should express the same sentiment we were discussing last evening after reading your blog ... we don't want this to end. In fact, instead of "anywhere in the world," why not around the world?!?!?
Mair, we thoroughly enjoy your vivid descriptions of the seemingly small details(the color of the water, the vegetaion, the animals, etc.). We feel certain we speak for everyone when we say we can close our eyes and imagine the world as seen from aboard Achievement thanks to your delightful input.
Godspeed and smooth sailing!