Sunday, January 7, 2007

Anchored just below Evansville Indiana

It's been a nice days run. We got up a little earlier than we wanted but we then had time for breakfast before pulling the hook. It seems we changed time zones sometime yesterday and our alarm clock (Mair) was not aware.

The day started out rainy and stayed pretty much overcast all day. We stopped at inland marina just up river of Evansville to take on water. There was a large navy ship moored on the river at the entrance to the marina and we almost missed it.

It takes about 3 hrs to tank up. Mair went for a walk; the boys went to look at the ship. It turned out to be a floating memorial. The L S T - 325 served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. This ship was rescued from the scrap line in the summer of 2000 by 50 navy vets. She was sailed home and is now a traveling museum.

After tanking up we slipped back into to river to get in a few extra miles before dinner and to avoid an $80 over night charge. Lionel cooked up some choice rib eyes Mair went to the wine cellar for a nice Merlot and Pat made sugar free pudding for desert. Life is good.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

You know...I don't remember seeing the wine cellar, was I not shown that on purpose? Can't say I blame you though!

Anonymous said...

Okay let's get serious about this movie thing...I figure Robert DeNiro and/or Sean Connery to play Capt. Bob - yes, I know I'm sucking up however there could be royalties here if I post enough comments! I knew that 'hook' would get someone in trouble - just keep it on board and hurry home to FLA. Sounds like the menu is pretty 4 star - keep up the sugar free puddin' Pat or you'll surely run aground. Take care everyone. Love to all, D

Anonymous said...

Didn't go online yesterday to check your blog. We figured you would be passing Evansville before long. That's Jim's hometown ... Mt. Vernon, actually(with the high banks). He leanred to ski in that area. Too bad he didn't learn to swim!

Anonymous said...

forget sean connery or anyone else,i would be more than willing to play that part,besides i already look the part,enough with movie deels what about the posts.haven't got one since sunday hope all is well,maybe in cell phone hell, is good you didn't show ilonkaa the wine love ya