Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Achievement in the News

Well, the interview went off great this morning by all reports. I spoke to the reporter, Darwin Singleton, after the interview and he was very impressed with Achievement Alpha, the crew and Captain Bob! Reports from the crew also say it was a great interview.

The segment will be two minutes and air tonight at 5:00 pm. You may be able to watch the segment at www.nbc15online.com. Search for the "Here's Darwin" feature and it should be posted there in the next day or two.

I'm also expecting a copy of it for posterity and when I do I'll post it as well. We're going to try and get some play again in Tampa when the boat reaches this market, so cross your fingers and say a prayer that there will be interest.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the interview, that's just so cool.

We, too, have thoughts on casting the movie .. will get back to you.

Godspeed and smooth sailing!

Anonymous said...

Hi - I'm Ron Reams, the Internet News Producer for NBC 15, WPMI-TV, in Mobile, the station where Darwin works. Darwin is the feature reporter who interviewed Captain Bob. Darwin's written copy and video of the story have now been posted to our website. You can see them by copying the following website into the address window of your web browser. This is a direct link to the story. You will need to click on "Watch this Video" at the top of the copy to see the story as it aired on our station:


Hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I am so IMPRESSED!!! Sent the link to just about everyone I know, this is just too damn cool for words. Now you will HAVE to make it to the Chesapeake Bay to fulfill Mr. Bibber's dream, it wouldn't be complete unless you do. And you know you're always welcome, the boat will even fit at the end pier at SYC.

Anonymous said...

The interview is great. I'm very impressed. You did a good job Bob (and you too Cathy for setting this up).

Stay safe and healthy.

Love to all, Linda

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You made the news! It was inevitable with a story like this. And to top it a crew of family and friends!
The Achievement has his own groupies now. Take care!!!