Saturday, January 20, 2007

Achievement Alpha in the News

Some may be wondering about Debbie's comment. Looks like we've successfully interested the media in Mobile. On Tuesday at 10:30 a reporter from NBC 15, Mobile will be out to interview the crew. I'll try and get a clip and post it on my website for all to see. Stay tuned. This is an incredible story, and it's great that the media is starting to take notice. Bobby, there may be a movie in here yet! Be ready to star! I'm sure Dad couldn't think of anyone better to play his part. Vanity dictates it would be someone your age! Love you Dad!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys - don't think my last comment will be great when you get into the Gulf - bet you can't wait either. Will provide plenty of veggies and fruit so scurvy doesn't set in! Jim and Susan - so what happened to the racoon? Love to all, d

Anonymous said...

My husband mike gray talks very nice of you and your crew. I was glad he was able to help you . He is just that kind of guy. He is great, not because he is my husband, just because he enjoys helping people and enjoys doing it.
I was working @ a nursing center & one of our residents was missing. Well my first thing was to call mike. He was everyones angel that day. He walked miles up a hill searching for her. Finally we were all scared because darkness was falling upon us. But mike didn't give up. Here he came walking with the 89 year old woman in his arms. They were both singing and everyone else was crying. Someday I hope that we get to flordia so I can meet the crew of the achievement, That I heard so many nice things about.chris