Saturday, December 23, 2006


As usual things didn't go as planned. I slept like the dead last night. One light sheet over me, a hot shower before bed time, it was heaven. The crew got up early as planned and retrieved the anchor chain from shore side and started the water transfer. Lionel banged on my door at 9am and said get your ass up. We all hustled around stowing gear checking oil topping off all fluids. We came up with a fuel leak on the gen. that required a trip to town for fuel line. We finally unbolted the boat from the dock at 12:30 pm 12/23/06; swung the nose around and headed for the first lock. Rob Bolea went with us to the first lock and gave me a few pointers on boat handling. We made the second lock on our own. It seems everyone on the river knows the boat, all the lock tenders were asking about our plans and how they have seen the boat for as long as they can remember. We made 43 miles today; we are tucked up behind Cluster Island W.V. (Cluster as in...well you know). About 2 miles above the next lock. Mair is working the galley tonight, With Lionel doing the ribeyes on the grill. It will be Champagne tonight for dessert. The boat ran great, she looks smart, a little ragged around the edges but hey She' been sleeping for a while. More to follow.


Dale Dazevedo said...

Looks like Lionel is having a problem with the suspenders...this is not good! No wonder I got scared when I read Lionel was bleeding...take care guys. D

Unknown said...

Better to have troubles with the suspenders, rather than what they say on them! Smooth sailling. Glad to see that you are finally on your way! Godspeed!

Mitch and Sharon

Unknown said...

Hi Mair...crew...Cap't Bob

i was wondering if there is a website or internet map system of the river(s) so that we can track your daily progress? Google has a pretty good map system but doesn't have mile markers on the grid....nor does it have the locks on the river.

Merry Christmas to all from snowy Colorado...Pat and Vic, check your email for pics of the storm...

Luv ya all

mitch and sharon

Anonymous said...

soundes like all went well today,great day , you all worked so hard!on to your next adventure,having fun yet?

Anonymous said...

couldn't find cluster island on the map. try to give us town names or locks/dams you go thru so we can follow. have a wonderful day!!!

Mark D said...

Whats the cruise speed on her?

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!!!!!!! Im sure this will be a christmas none of you will ever forget. Hugs and kisses to all, and like on your jobs Bob I will try and not call you at times when I know you have your hands full...You could not have picked a better crew, I just hope somebody brought a video camera.