Monday, December 18, 2006

We all worked on various projects today. Finally have the galley straightened up and provisions on board. So cold that the dishwashing soap (Dawn) froze. Not sure if the refrigeration is working properly. Freezer is good, but refrigerator is cold, just not sure if it’s the weather or the system making it cold. Took a drive to see our first lock (Dashfield) by land to check it out. This AM there was frost on the deck. Brr! Bob has been able to get the ships horn working. It was a Train Engine horn and sounds really neat! Again Bob’s system of hoisting worked. This time the guys brought a 550 lb. drum of oil on board and placed it in the cargo hold. (The hold that was originally designed for the car) Again it was a smooth operation that went as planned. Victor and Patrick are working on getting Achievement’s name proudly displayed on her transom.

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