Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Big Day

Today is the big day! I can’t believe it is two days before Christmas. Bob brought the car back last night. The boiler guys were even better than Santa Clause – they gave us HEAT! Yep! The boiler is up and running. Plumber guys got the hot water heater going. Last night was like heaven. Hot shower, no sleeping bag and I could actually walk around the cabin without a jacket. Now this is living!

Kirsten sent me the pictures of the twins that she is sending out with their Christmas Cards. Made me teary eyed. They are sooooo cute. We had really planned on a family old fashioned type Christmas this year. I am going to miss not being with Gil, Lynda, Sean, my Sammi girl, Mark, Kirsten, Jaden and Kade. Oh! My poor cats. Lefnee and Barnacle are home alone with our next door neighbor Lani seeing to their needs. (God Love her – don’t know how we would have accomplished being away for so long without her.

Prior to casting off we have a bunch of picking up and putting away. (A never ending job) I’m excited cause well get to put down the small area rug in the Sun Room and finally all the little odds and ends will find a home for the trip. It must be that nesting thing! Gregg the next door neighbor of Mr. Bolea has been very helpful. He stopped by and offered local knowledge, some charts and will accompany us today through the first two locks. I am sure the Captain slept better last night knowing that.

While in town yesterday doing the laundry and getting last of the supplies we (Patrick, Victor and I) ran into several people that knew of Achievement and of course were more than willing to share their thoughts on her history and their thoughts on the trip in general. Some were upbeat and some warning of disasters. It really is amazing how much celebrity this boat has. Our blog may need a correction (though one can’t be sure how reliable any of the info is) but according to one person we spoke to at the Laundromat, Achievement had actually fallen into disrepair prior to Mr. Bolea purchasing her from the estate. I think the sale of this boat has actually been difficult for him. I have a feeling he really and truly loved her, tried to bring her up to snuff, but never quite got her finished. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to talk with him. He is an elderly gentleman and his son has been handling the details. I am quite sure he will be very sad today to see her leave his back yard.

I understand that quite a few people want to be at the dock when she finally casts off. It will be the end of an era in this little town of Glenfield, Nevell Island. Achievement has not only been a fixture here for many years, but the topic of many lively discussions, some rumor and some fact. How fortunate we are to be part of finally getting her on the journey she was intended for, and a beginning of bringing her back to being a proud, smart looking vessel! What an exciting day it will be!

Oh! Another correction for the Blog. The name is Mair not Mare. Mare is a female horse. When I corrected the Captian the response was Oh! Okay – I not sure what the facial expressions were but they got Patrick laughing. Some how I think there was a connection between the horse thing and me? Nah!


Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage! We're all with you. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

the day is finally here,this is a glorious moment in time,getting under way for the journey of a lifetime,she was ment to be a proud ship know she will be!godspeed ,good luck and and smooth sailing love ya

Mark D said...

I can'nt wait to see how it goes.

P.S. registering on this damn google thing is like pulling teeth.