Friday, December 29, 2006

The hook is down.

A little early but we are running out of daylight and entering a stretch of river, about 30 miles or so, that is termed congested and has restrictions on mooring and/or anchoring. We are tucked into a little depression on the Ohio side below two large homes up on a bluff. When we anchored the families came out and waved, very friendly. We are talking about starting a pool on how far from Pitt. it will be before no one knows the boat. We passed a tow about two miles above the last lock 290 miles from Pitt. and the capain calls on the radio to ask if this was the boat from just above the Emsworth Dam. Of course she is and he proceeded to ask about our plans for her and wish us God speed and good luck. Well Pat has made a large pot of Spagetti with Italian sausage, Garlic rolls, so I must sign off for now.
Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Dale Dazevedo said...

who's big idea was it to put the hook down in the first place - just WHO is going to get it up??? I sure hope the 'thingy' (nautical term) to pull it up if fixed! Love to all.