Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Got the boiler up and running, Lionel is bleeding the base board units heady stuff for this Fla. crew. The boy's are off shopping. we need some space heaters just in case. Must stow the beer ,wine ,and water below before it freezes . supposed to go down to 28 tonight.
more later.


Mike Delaney said...

WOW what an effort. What the hell were you thinking. It is at least an exciting adventure. I was thinking of joining in on the trip but came to my senses. I would have been useless in the cold. Keep posting the days activities it's kind of like being there. Good luck and be safe! Mike

Anonymous said...

Hey BOB!!!!
Looks like you are off on a big adventure..Sure wish i was there to help out, sounds like you could use the help too, not too cold is it????

Ilonka said...

You guys are in for a treat as you move west,looks like it's begining to look alot like winter,reminds me of scalloping in december back in 83,keep on truckin,you have some of the best crew i ever met,oh and the captain, he's not toO bad either! well talk to you later bobby d/ p.s. stay WARM

Ilonka said...

sounds like things are coming together,keep us up to date on departure time love you guys- bobby