Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Latest Update

Got word from Ilonka today because the crew is without internet access and cannot send blog entries since Patrick & Victor headed home over land. The word is that they are going the Lake Okeechobee route. They found out that the Sanibel Island bridge would not open until 7 pm tonight, they considered that route and going through the night but decided against it. The weather is windy and overcast but hope that the winds will eventually die down. They plan to do about 60 miles today, the lake is 25 miles across. If it’s going to take too long, they may decide to leave the boat at the lake until later.

Bobby says it's cold, but they are trucking along.

I have more pictures to upload, and some video I'm editing that shows the interior of the boat, as well as the crew's departure from Tampa, and I have the beginnings of a log from my time on board. So stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Have been enjoying the trip by blogger. Now that it is coming to an end I want to say "Thank you for the adventure you shared with us all" I have enjoyed the trip and prayed that all would go well and it did! You are troupers... Captain Bob, Lionel, Mair, Patrick and Victor! And Cathy, thanks for being the Blog Master and Agent. Great job! Hope to see you all this year! Lia

Anonymous said...

Yah, what Lia Said! And Happy Birthday Bobby! Pat and Judy, Seaford.

Anonymous said...

Ooh...before I forget, Happy Birthday Bobby!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Can't wait to hear all about the trip and see the photos/video. And to the crew of the Achievement, thanks for the adventure, loved it!

P.S. Bobby...I almost didn't recognize you in that photo with Patrick and Victor. Can't say I've seen that look before.

Anonymous said...

yeah, what ilonka said!!! been following the blog too, seems like quite a trip...good luck on the rest of the way down. and happy birthday bobby!
Terri from florida

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories!!!!
It's been a great journey and we've enjoyed every bit of it.
Cathy, you did a splendid job keeping us posted. We also enjoyed reading all the comments. Hope to hear when you've made it home safely.
About that movie deal ...
Capt. Bob should be played by Santa Claus. There's the obvious physical resemblance, he's a great captain/navigator, and, oh yeah, there's the "jolly" thing.
Mair should be played by Wilma Flinstone. She's resourceful in primitive surroundings, able to survive among cavemen ... and looks good in animal furs!?!
Lionel should be played by the Gorton Fisherman ... thanks to Mair's on-deck description.
We're still working on Patrick and Victor. Any ideas out there? How about Cookie and Hop-Sing?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Dear Bob, Happy Birthday to you:)-the pic with you and Dad is great but, dito on not recgonizing you with the chefs. Hope to see blogs on Achievment while docked and the unveiling for her debut.See you later-have a great day, take pictures and more stories please. Could be a day time episode - Humphrey Bogart style!!! Mom

placidpeninsula said...

Hi there! One of my friends, Larry Hoth is venturing the Great Loop. He met you on Feb 6, 2007 and took a tour of your craft. Very impressive!

Larry is blogging about his travels, which you can read/comment here: http://www.travelsofshorty.com


Anonymous said...

hey,"Booby", Happy Birthday! This is the first time we've checked out the blog and it's GREAT! Have to agree with Ilonka about the Patrick, Victor, photo....can't wait to see you and get the first hand scoop on the trip. love ya Terri ,Thom & the Mister