It's been a while since I posted a blog. I have been very busy. I am close to getting the boat hauled and some much needed bottom paint. Our open house was a great success. The turnout was tremendous. Everyone showed up. All our marina family, all my own family, most of the Moose family and some people I didn't even know who had seen the boat or followed the blog showed up.
We had so much food I didn't think it would ever get eaten. But I was wrong. We ate, drank, and chewed the fat until the wee hours of the morning. I was very surprised that no one fell getting on or off the boat. (With the exception of the blog master who took a tumble early Sunday morning getting George to his comfort station)
The girls from the Moose did a fantastic job cleaning up after the party. Vicky, Buzz, and Toni Marie, Thank you. As well as Cathy (blog master) and Renee our resident wenches. Debbie my girl Friday did a super job organizing and coordinating everyone e with what to bring and where to put it. Not to mention shopping for most of it. Gerry was at the grill all day cooking and opening wine bottles Rhonda was so busy serving and hauling trash to she never got a chance to eat. Even the Max man chipped in with hauling chairs around and other chores.
I know there are others too numerous to mention who played a big part in making it a great day. I thank you all. My fridge is filled with all kinds of desserts that I'm not supposed to eat. And today as I was contemplating the daunting task of hosing down the decks to get rid of all the sticky stuff the skies opened up and gave the boat a thorough wash down. Thank you God.
I have found out that a few people who couldn't come on the original date because of prior commitments never got the word that we moved the date. I apologize to them and will make it up to you. I received the tape that Channel10 did on our arrival. It will be on the blog soon as well as party pictures and possibly some video. A wonderful time was had by all. Again, thanks to all who participated. I love you all.
Capt. Bob