Monday, August 9, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain!

Mon morning and it's still raining. It's been raining for three days now and they say it's going to rain until Wed. The only advantage is the temperature. It's at least 10* cooler. The plants love it.
We went to Sandra's big 40 birthday party Fri. evening.They had a dinner party for friends and family at Garcia's across the river. Sandra came here to the dock and we all rode over in one car. When we arrived at the restaurant only a few of her friends were there so we sat at the upstairs bar for a drink. When I sat down the bartender and waiter both looked at me and said " It's the capitan from the big boat, welcome, welcome! " I couldn't belive they knew who I was. I got the same reaction when I went down stairs as we were leaving. The cooks in the kitchen all commented how they always see me having coffee on the back deck and read my paper. Felt good. Sandra had a great time. She had about 25 friends and family turn out to celebrate. The party moved back to the dock and party central after dinner. About a dozen party goers came aboard and we sat around and drank until about 1 AM . I had to shut it down around then because I had a meeting at Airbus in the morning.
Did I mention it was raining?
Life is good.
Capt. Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only capt. bob can attract all this attention! you are one of a kind, for sure. love b.