Friday, June 25, 2010

Party Party

The 4th is rapidly approaching!
Yes it looks like we are going to have our 2nd annual 4th of July Miami river dock party. Last year it was relitively small , Only about a dozen friends and neighbors. This year it looks to be a bit larger. It seems that the dock scene has become party central. Whenever someone wants to have a party they petition the boat folk to hold it on the dock. Well I don't mind telling you I love it. We always have a great time, We have plenty of food , drink , music and fun. I always end up with a fridge full of food, deserts and dip's. This year we are doing a 100# pig and one or two kegs. It will be pot luck, everyone brings a little something, we all have fun.
Come one come all. Don't be shy. Bring your swim trunks , you can swim in the river if you dare.
The last big one we had was my sons 50th, plus we celebrated two other birthdays as well. We had the boat's rafted up 3 deep on the river ( the tug boats didn't like that too much ) And at one point we counted 85 people on decks and on the dock.
Hope te see you here.
Capt. Bob

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

Fathers Day on the river, It's been a gorgeous day.
I have gotten calls from all my children, Friends and acquaintances even my netwerk sent me a fathers day wish. My youngest daughter took me to lunch at a very nice Organic bistro on Biscayne Blvd. then we hung out and chilled on the poop deck for awhile. It's been relitively quiet today, other then the circus of restaurant docking's across the river not much else is happening. What a relief. It's good to have a quiet day every once in awhile. Life is good.
Capt. Bob

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello all
Not much going on today. It's been raining yesterday and today. Not continuously of course but the storms have been pretty good. The rock barge went out today, loaded to the gunwales with huge coral rocks. As they went by I got a huge wave and an all encompassing gesture pertaining to the immense pile of rocks. It's only humerus if you know the story behind it.
Last week when my daughters were visiting, the barge was returning empty and I pointed out to them the type of load he went out with. Well! then my daughter says " I guess he got his rocks off" and we all laughed . I told her she should holler that to the crew as they went by. There was no way that was going to happen. The two of them then convinced me it was my responsibility to shout out the proclamation. Well I did . And to our surprise the crew took it very well and returned with the fact that they were in fact on there way to "Rock On" to which we said touche.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I got a little help from the blog master today. Couldn't find my way out of a wet paper bag. But all is well now, I have been awakened.
It's a really great day on the river today. Not a lot of traffic. The city is working on a beautification of the river project. Last week they had some sort of a symposium with all kinds of scientist and dignitaries who traveled up and down the river on a tour boat to asses the viability of commerce and industry on the river. They took a lot of pictures and wrote an article for the Miami Herald.( I know there is a way to link to that article but I don't know it ) Today we had a visit land side . They came by and checked out the property and told us they were going to beautify the street and put in new sidewalks. We'll see.
This boat just seems to attract attention. I was checking Email earlier when a small boat approached from across the river. A couple who I saw come in for lunch at Garcias restaurant came over to inquire as to the "HISTORY" of this fine vessel. I was only too happy to inform them. They said they would stop by again and asked if they could get a tour of the boat. It's a very familiar experience, we got this all the way home from Pittsburgh and were only too happy to oblige.
More to follow.
Capt. Bob

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hello all
Well it's been awhile since I posted anything. The state of the economy has kept everyone kind of in a flap, me to it seems. But we can't dwell on that can we?
To give you an update, We are berthed on the Miami river between the Flagler st. bridge and the new 5th st. bridge. The facility is the old National fisheries site. It's a three building complex. The up river building is occupied by an artist, He uses it as a studio. He just finished some sculptures made of steel for a show in Scotland. The middle building is the landlord's office space. and the down river one is just used for storage. We have a very small community going on here. Bryon lives on a 37' sailboat, Me on the big iron boat , and Koi, Tinkerbell, Zoe, and Sam on a pearson trawler. It's gated, secure and comfortable. We have a couple of comercial fisherman who also share the docks with us. they fish for the resturant/fish market across the river.
Life on the river progresses at a slow pace. There is a lot of large freighters that ply the river. We now have three tug Co's hauling them in and out .The two resturants across the river generate a lot of boat traffic on the weekends and it can be a circus watching them dock at times. It helps fill our day's.
We have been slowly getting the boat spiffed up. Two of my Nephews came down and painted the starboard side of the boat. My daughter ( The Blog master ) Catherine and My grandson Nolan spend the Christmas holidays with me and have undertaken the chore of painting the interior. So far they have painted the sun room and both crew cabins and have prepped the galley. We have hung a few painting's . Things are looking up. I have included a few Pic's
More to follow, I promise
Capt. Bob.