Saturday, March 3, 2007

New Adventure Looms -- You In?

Good morning everyone.

Well a new adventure looms on the horizon. It seems I can get a pretty good deal on hauling the boat in the Bahamas. Most yards here in the states don't seem to have the time to do the work. And they want a fortune to do it.

We have contacted a yard on Grand Bahama Island that a friend of mine helped build a few years back. They will be sending me a quote for hauling and painting.

So be prepared to travel. It should take about a week. and you must have a passport. The old days of just needing a driver’s license are over. The US government requires everyone to have a passport. Let me know who's interested in making the trip.

Capt. Bob


Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,
Any updates on the trip, dates? Is the week time frame back and forth from Florida? Can people with little to no boating experience participate? Any estimate on cost per person?


Anonymous said...

Hello Steven
I'm not sure we've met but thats OK. The trip to the Bahamas is not looking too good at this time. we are having a hard time finding a yard that can handle a boat this size. As far as costs are concerned I would handle all ships costs . you would only have your own expenses to look after. If we do the Bahamas it would most likely be 7 to 8 days with travel. No real boating experience is required. if you can handle a line and do what your told in a timely fashion you qualify. If we choose a yard in Miami you are welcome to come along for the boat ride.
Capt Bob

Anonymous said...

Hi Captain Bob,
We have not met but I found your blog not to long ago and read through it. What an adventure. I am always looking for interesting things to do. If you were going to the Bahamas with the boat I would consider the trip. I would be flying from Michigan to make the trip possibly with my two college age sons.
I grew up on a dairy farm where we built things rather than buy them. I have basic experience in plumbing, electrical, woodworking. Computing is my main job, photography is one of my hobbies.

I will keep checking the blog to see what is going on.
