Friday, December 31, 2010


Season's greetings to all
Wow It's been a hectic few days here on the dock. My daughter and grandson came down from the frozen north for the holidays and we all went down to Karen's house to enjoy Christmas dinner with her and the girls. We had a great time and spent the evening opening presents and OH,ing and AH,ing over all the gifts. Everyone then descended on the boat. And started painting. Last year Cath and Nolan primed the galley and stairwell. Over the ensuing year I got a few panels painted. I also found a wall mural that I thought would look good on the curved portion of the stairwell. This year they painted with a fury. The whole galley got painted, even the book shelf. Then Nolan put up the mural. WOW. Now it can truly be called the Sun Room. The mural is of a sunset with palm fronds over the ocean and beach. We had to cut out the beach to accommodate the space but the colors match everything in the room and just brings everything together.
It's new years eve, Abby stayed over the last couple of days to hang with gramp's and aunt Cath and lend a hand with the painting as well. Karen and Emily are on there way over to spend the night and shoot off fireworks.
My new neighbor should be moving in next week. He has had a small army of workers toiling away on his boat ( Koi's boat ). He had his family down from Gainsville for Christmas. They stayed on the boat overnight, We didn't see much of them as it was very cold, mid 30s but they did wave every now and then. As soon as I get pictures on the new paint job I will post them.
I must start getting the rib's ready for our new years eve party.
Till next time
Happy New Year.
Capt. Bob

Sunday, December 12, 2010


That time of the year is rapidly approaching. Are you ready? I know I'm not.
Just got back from my annual world wide cruise around middle America. Well maybe not world wide but definitely exhausting. Some how all my trips amount to 3000 miles, and this one was not an exception. I started out driving Irene up to Lake city to visit her daughter. Then on to Tenn. to inspect my property and check in on Tenn. Log Homes to get some plans for a log home I want to erect on the lake property. Then over to Jim & Susan for Thanksgiving. I spent about four days on the J/S farm and let the dog loose twice. We went around to a few lumber mills looking foe planking for the hatch covers on the Achievement. Found another source for log homes in the process. Then off to Va. After getting lost a couple of times I arrived at the home of Paul & sue Gregory. Parents of Tinkerbell and guardians of Sam the wonder dog. it was a very pleasant visit. Tinkerbell didn't stay long for she had to go to work. After my brief visit with the Gregory's I was off to my son's house. I spent two days catching up with the kid's and collecting all of my bric A brack I had left with them when I moved onto my sailboat. I then went over to the Weaver compound in the woods to visit with my buddy Ron and his brother. We chopped down a few trees and loaded some hickory in to the pickup for the trip home. I had a job pending for the tail end of the week so we had to bug out on Tue. morning for the trip home. Not a bad trip in all but long.
It looks like the good ship Malola ( Koi's boat ) has been sold. I encountered the new owner on my return from the frozen north. He informed me he had given Koi a deposit and payed the dock rent for Dec. Looks like I have a new neighbor.
It's been very quiet on the dock since my return. Bryan left to visit with his parents in South Carolina.
The Christmas parade of lights was last night. Boats and barges of all shapes and sizes had been going down river all afternoon to get in position for the event. later in the evening they all came back with there lights blazing. Looked nice.
Not much else to tell. I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Capt. Bob