Friday, April 18, 2008

Watching the View of Downtown Miami

Sitting on the "Poop Deck" of the Achievement Alpha and watching the Miami River traffic. Getting to spend a lot more time with Dad (Captain Bob to the rest of you) and loving every minute of it!

Dad's all moved in -- which is to say that the clutter that has pervaded his life has followed him, post-voyage, to this vessel. But we have begun to cull the necessary from the meerly coveted! Came down two weeks ago and threw out a bunch of sh-- as Dad likes to say -- i say they were moldy old throw pillows!

We are enjoying sitting here on the Poop Deck watching the Miami River traffic and Dad tells me stories of the tugs who frequent these waters. We talk about family, the contributions made to this saga and to this boat. And we smile.

Scott & Mark just spent two days doing a yoeman's job painting. The Achievement Alpha has never looked better. I am pressing Dad to get them to give a more thorough accounting of their time here. They signed the newly painted "apple red" beam that graces the ceiling of the "Poop Deck" and Dad's looking to add the names of others who have contributed so graciously to this adventure.

Hoping to post some new pics for all to see. And to keep this blog more readily updated. We'll see.

To all who joined in the initial adventure, and who continue to ponder on the fate of this miraculous vessel: we are billeted at a commercial marina on the Miami River, directly opposite Garcia's and Casablanca's Restaurant & Market. Loving life, and enjoying the rythms of the River.

Stay tuned, I hope....

Cathy, aka "the blog master!"